- Preferências hemáticas dos vectores da dirofilariose no sudeste de Portugal [2]
- Preferência absoluta!
- Preferência ao comércio local
- Preferência por matérias entre escolares de Rio Claro
- Preferências nas nomeações e promoções para cargos públicos das províncias ultramarinas
- Prefix concordance in Lozi
- Pregação quaresmal [4]
- Pregão turístico do Recife
- Pregar no deserto [2]
- Prégar no deserto...
- Prego ajustável de Pugh
- Prego a fundo no museu
- Pregoeiros da verdade presente
- Preguiça
- Preguiça e saber
- Preguiça já tem electricidade
- Preguiça-Espargos [16]
- Pré.história africana
- Préhistoire de la vallée du Nil
- Préhistoire de l'Afrique Australe
- Préhistoire du Sahara
- Préhistoire et protohistoire de la presqu´île du Cap-Verd et le extrême ouest africaine
- prehistoric cultural material from wellington estate, settlens springlok flats, Trasnsval
- Prehistoric cultures of northeast Angola and their significance in tropical África (part I)
- Prehistoric India [2]
- Prehistory of the Transvaal
- Prehistory rock engravies in the Krugerdorp-Rustemberg area of the Transval
- Préhistoire de l´Afrique
- Préhistoire de l'Afrique [2]
- Préhistoire de l'Afrique Orientale
- Préhistória de Moçambique [6]
- Prehistoric indian rock paintings
- Prehistoric rock paintings in Northern Rhodesia
- Prehistoric rock art Federation of Rodesia & Nyasaland
- Préhistoire de l'Afrique Occidentale
- Prehistoire et protohistoire du Bas-Congo Belge, une esquisse
- Prehistoric cultures of northeast Angola and their significance in tropical Africa [5]
- Prehistoric cultures of northeast Angola and their significance in tropical África. I
- Prehistoric paintings
- Prehistory in upper Nile basin
- Prehistoric cultures of northeast Angola and their significance in tropical África. II
- Prehistoric dragons from Northeast China [2]
- Prehistoric Indian
- Préhistorique de l'Afrique du Nord
- Préhistoire de l'Afrique du Nord
- Prehistoric art in China [2]
- Prehistory and protohistory in India and Pakistan
- Préhistoire de l'Afrique Centrale [2]
- Prehistory [2]
- Prehospital trauma care systems [3]
- Preia-mar (high tide)
- Preia-mar
- Preito de justiça!
- Preito de amor
- Preito comevedor [2]
- Preito de portugalidade
- Preito em louvor da arte de Malhoa
- Preito de obediencia d'el-rei D. Manoel ao Papa Julio II prestado pelo seu embaixador Diogo Pacheco em 4 de Junho de 1505
- Preito de justiça
- Prejeitura apostólica
- Prejudices, promises and poverty
- Prejudice and ignorance in reviewing books about África
- Prejudice, Crisis, and genacide in Rwanda
- Prejudica sèriamente os planos americanos de «auxílio» à União Indiana o recente acordo fronteiriço entre o Paquistão e a China
- Prelado de Moçambique
- Prelasia de Moçambique [7]
- Prelecção sobre a situação actual no interior e exterior do paiz [3]
- Prelecção sobre a economia politica [2]
- Preliminary note on ar earlier store age site at wonderboom bouth
- Preliminary note on the occurrence of peridotite nodules in Santiago, Cape Verde islands
- Preliminary notes on prehistoie Material from the Ugeni Valley near Cato ridge, Natal [2]
- Preliminary report of middle stone age sites on the north coast of Natal
- Preliminary report on investigations carried out in connection with a disease affecting stock in the Ngotseche district with special reference to Nagana
- Preliminary results of a dietary survey in Ruanda-Urundi
- Preliminary studies on the diagnostic techniques for clover [2]
- Preliminares da primeira invasão francesa em Portugal
- Preliminary experiments with phytocides to control stump growth and thorny bush thickets in areas infested with «glossina austeni»
- Preliminary observations on the epidemiology of malnutrition in Uganda
- Preliminary report on examination of engaruka ruins
- Preliminary results of spectal studies on tectonic and volcanic seismicity in Fogo, Cape Verde
- Preliminary revision of the genus cotantops schaumand review of the groups cantantopini (Orthoptera, Acrididae)
- Preliminary study on histoplasmin sensitivity in Portuguese Africa, Goa and Macau [2]
- Preliminary survey of stone age sites, of the serra-abaixo
- Preliminares da realização do II Colóquio Nacional de Municípios [2]
- Preliminary account of investigation into the germination of seeds of cynodon Dactylon
- Preliminary account of the structural relationship between the archaen shield and later orogenic belts in N.E. Southern Rhodesia
- Preliminary evaluation of a new corticosteroio in allergic diseases
- Preliminary investigation of the Tete complex, Mozambique
- Preliminary report on a botanical journey to the Bié - Cuando-Cubango district, Angola, 1959-60
- Preliminary results of spectral studies on tectonic and volcanic seismicity in Fogo, Cape Verde [2]
- Preliminary study to a revision of the genus rhipicephalus Koch [2]
- Preliminares da comunicação dos riscos na segurança alimentar
- Preliminares do estudo da ciência política
- Preliminary note on the occurence of peridodite nodules in Santiago (Cape Verde islands)
- Preliminary note on the occurence of peridotite modules in Santiago (Cape Verde islands)
- Preliminary studies on the root system of Galeria Áfricana on the Worcestr Veld reserve
- Preliminary study on histoplasmin sensitivity in Portuguese Africa
- Preliminary survey of leptospirosis and Lyme disease amongst febrile patients attending for community hospital ambulatory care in Maputo, Mozambique [2]
- Preliminary experiments with phytocides
- Preliminary note ob the chemical composition of milk from african mothers in the Kivu region of the Belgian Congo