- Évaluation de la puissance antigénique du liquide hydatique
- Evaluation de la stratégie de la santé pour tous d'ici l'an 2000 [4]
- Evaluation des projets d'epargne et de credit cofinancés para la Commission Europeenne et les ONG
- Evaluation for the "strategy for women and gender equality in development
- Evaluation MS at the crossroads
- Evaluation of the bilateral development co-operation between Vietnam and Finland
- Evaluation of the public support to the Norwegian NGOs working in Nicaragua [2]
- Evaluation of the Tanzania-Norway development cooperation 1994-1997
- Evaluating 35 years of green revolution technology in villages in Bulandshahr district westen UP, North India
- Evaluating country programmes
- Evaluation capacity development
- Evaluation de l' intégration d' une perspective sexospécifique en Afrique subsaharienne
- Evaluation Ghana ports rehabilitation Phase 1 + 2
- Evaluation highlights on ODA loan projects, 2004
- Evaluation of Australian government funded NGO projects in Africa
- Evaluation of finnish
- Evaluation of health sector adjustment (HSAP) British Caribean dependent territories
- Evaluation of the framework agreement between the government of Norway and the United Nations environment programme (UNEP)
- Evaluation of the Indonesia national police management training project, 1983-96
- Evaluation of the Norergian education trust fund for Africa in the World Bank
- Evaluation of the Norwegian Education Trust Fund for Africa in the World Bank [2]
- Evaluation of the passive particle agglutination test in the serodiagnosis and follow-up of syphilis
- Evaluation of the rice production acelerated impact project Guinea-Bissau
- Evaluation relative au programme "annoncer la Coleur"
- Evaluating EU activities
- Evaluating track II approaches to security diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific
- Evaluation - WWF
- Evaluation capacity development in Asia
- Évaluation des soins se santé primaires
- Evaluation du projet d'appui a la reorganisation du cadastre en Guinée-Bissau
- Evaluation of direct execution
- Evaluation of revenue projects synthesis report [2]
- Evaluation of the bilateral development co-operation between Ethiopia and Finland
- Evaluation of the norad fellowship programme
- Evaluation results
- Evaluating the world bank's reports [2]
- Evaluation and monitoring
- Evaluation du potentiel de developpement de l' elevage en Guinee-Bissau
- Evaluation du programme annoncer la couleur
- Evaluation externe du programme de commercialisation sociale du PSI en Guinée-Bissau
- Evaluation in health promotion
- Evaluation of general budget support [2]
- Evaluation of know-how fund assistance to the enterprise education programme, Slovakia
- Evaluation of school partnership policy in Botswana [2]
- Evaluation of the bilateral development co-operation between Finland and Zambia
- Evaluation of the bilateral development co-operation programme between Kenya and Finland
- Evaluation of the development cooperation activities of finnish NGO's in Kenya
- Evaluation of the environmental performance of EC programmes in developing countries
- Evaluation of the Norwegian investment fund for developing countries (Norfund)
- Evaluation study of the Goa houses-huts insurance scheme for weaker section
- Evaluating co-ordination and complementarity of country strategy papers with national development priotities
- Evaluating the impact of development projects on poverty
- Evaluating tobacco control activities [3]
- Evaluation capacity development in Africa
- Evaluation de projets du secteur transports a Madagascar
- Evaluation des projects transport au Benin
- Evaluation of a nested PCR for detection of Pneumocystis carinii in serum from immunocompromised patients [3]
- Evaluation of ACOPAM
- Evaluation of DFID country programmes [5]
- Evaluation of DFID's health work programmes in primary care policies & practices and health economics & financing
- Evaluation of EU aid to ACP countries managed by the commission phase I
- Evaluation of Finland's development cooperation activities of finnish NGOs and local cooperation funds in Tanzania
- Evaluation of programs promoting participatory development and good governance [2]
- Evaluation of the development cooperation between Norway and Nicaragua
- Evaluation of the EU institutions and member states' mechanisms for promoting policy coherence for development [2]
- Evaluation of the strategy for assistance to children in Norwegian development cooperation
- Evaluation of the Technical Skills Training Project for the Tri-Lateral comission in Guinea-Bissau
- Evaluation research [2]
- Evalution of BSE risk factors among european countries [2]
- Evamba
- Evandro Lins e Silva novo Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros do Brasil
- Evangelho de N. S. Jesus Cristo [3]
- Evangelho de S. João comentado por Santo Agostinho
- Evangeli ya Marika = O santo evangelho segundo S. Marcos [2]
- Evangelicals and politics in Asia, Africa and Latin America [2]
- Evangelisatiepogingen in de binnenlanden van Afrika gedurende de XIXe eeuw
- Evangelize with the power of the spirit
- Evangelho [2]
- Evangelhos dos actos dos apóstolos
- Evangelii praecones
- Evangelista del Mar Pacifico
- Evangelização de Salcete até ao ano de martirio do B. Rodolfo Aquaviva e companheiros em 1583 [2]
- Evangelização e desenvolvimento em terras de Angola
- Evangelização em Angola
- Evangelização portuguesa em Cochim nos séculos XVI e XVII
- Evangelizar a África por meio da África
- Evangelium Iohannis Aethiopicum
- Evangelização de Cabo Delgado
- Evangelização e imprensa nos séculos XVI e XVII na Índia [2]
- Evangelizzazione e terapia [2]
- Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo S. Mateus [2]
- Evangelho em triunfo
- Evangelho oral
- Evangelhos e actos dos Apóstolos [4]
- Evangelização do sueste de Angola
- Evangelho da vida
- Evangelho dos domingos em Chimanhica [3]
- Evangelho duma avó
- Evangelhos dos domingos e das festas
- Evangelhos dos Domingos e festas em português-kimbundo com uma pequena explicação [2]