- Português raptado em Cabinda
- Português, crioulo e "afrikaaus"
- Português, língua de poetas são-tomenses [2]
- Portuguese África a haudbook
- Portuguese and brazilian books in the John Carter Brown Library
- Portuguese attempts at monopoly on the upper Guinea Coast, nº 80 -1650
- Portuguese Daman under pressure
- Portuguese democracy in comparative perspective
- Portuguese expension overseas and the art of ivory
- Portuguese film week
- Portuguese fortifications in Morocco
- Portuguese grammar
- Portuguese Guinea from a political and economical standpoint
- Portuguese in East Africa
- Portuguese influence in Indonesia
- Portuguese maps and plans of Ceylon, 1650
- Portuguese massacre reported by priests
- Portuguese oceanic expansion, 1400-1800 [4]
- Portuguese party
- Portuguese phonology
- Portuguese research on the slave trade
- Portuguese rule and Spanish crown in South Africa
- Portuguese settlement in the interior of south-east África in the seventeenth century [5]
- Portuguese society and its values in The Cavaco Years
- Portuguese state budget for 1973
- Portuguese studies
- Portuguese studies review [3]
- Portuguese trade and shipping with the Netherlands after the discoveries
- Portuguese trade in Asia under the Habsburgs, 1580-1640
- Portuguese voyages [2]
- Portuguese voyages to America in the fifteenth century
- Portuguese voyages to Asia and Japan in the renaissance period procedings of the Internacional Conference Sophia University
- Portuguese, the Armenians and the world of art and architecture in the Tamil Coast [2]
- Portuguese-Japanese language contact in 16th century Japan
- Portuguese-mahratta relations
- Portugueses apresentaram propostas mais elevadas
- Portugueses de Gôa de visita à metrópole
- Portugueses e africanos na África Austral no século XVI
- Portugueses e malaios [4]
- Portugueses e Moçambicanos no apartheid da ficção à realidade
- Portugueses em Angola
- Portugueses em terras da Huíla [2]
- Portugueses entre canibais [2]
- Portugueses libertados
- Portugueses na India (catálogo dos que vieram em 1690, 1774, 1776 e 1780) [2]
- Portuguese-speaking Africa
- Português-Kimbundu-Kinkongo (linguas nativas do centro e norte de Angola ) [2]
- Portuguezes em Ceylão
- Portuguiesische problems in Afrika
- Portugual é branco
- Portugual ultramarino perante a ONU
- Português 8ª classe
- Português com açúcar
- Português lingua viva [2]
- Português, crioulo e "afrikaans"
- Portuguese abolition in british perspective
- Portuguese Africa [30]
- Portuguese and africans in early Guinea-Bissau [2]
- Portuguese asian decline and the crise de conscience of the missionaries
- Portuguese cartography of Bombay maritime area in the 16th and 17th centuries
- Portuguese century in Guinea
- Portuguese Chikunda and peoples of the Gwembe vally
- Portuguese Cochin and the maritime trade of India, 1500-1663
- Portuguese cultural month 2000
- Portuguese discoveries date back to prince Henry the navigator
- Portuguese expansion overseas and the art of ivory [2]
- Portuguese Guinea [13]
- Portuguese Guinea'74 [2]
- Portuguese health system [3]
- Portuguese heraldry in Ming chinese porcelain
- Portuguese hospitals and misericórdias in overseas settlements
- Portuguese iintegration in the Tropics
- Portuguese in South-East África 1488-1600
- Portuguese India and the Mughals
- Portuguese Melaka and the apostolate of southeast Asia
- Portuguese on the north-east coast of Africa
- Portuguese pioneers of vietnamese linguistics
- Portuguese records on Rustamji Manockji the Parsi broker of Surat
- Portuguese roosts in Africa
- Portuguese society in the tropics [2]
- Portuguese source material and the India textile trade of the 17th century
- Portuguese style and Luso-African identity [2]
- Portuguese territories
- Portuguese territories in Africa
- Portuguese youth welfare organization
- Portuguese-Gujarat trade
- Portugueses "atacam" banca
- Portugueses apostam em Bush e no MPLA
- Portugueses contra o fascismo na guerra civil de espanha - o ministério de um silêncio
- Portugueses de Gôa
- Portugueses desafiados a cooperar nas obras públicas
- Portugueses e espanhóis
- Portugueses e europeus e as estratégias do nanyang
- Portugueses em Santos vistos através dos registros de associados da Sociedade Portuguesa de Beneficência de Santos (1879-1889)
- Portugueses evacuados no Soyo querem voltar a Angola
- Portugueses mensageiros do ocidente no Japão
- Portugueses na África do Sul [3]
- Portugueses na India [5]
- Portugueses no Brasil independente
- Portugueses of India