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  1. Portuguese voyages 1498-1663
  2. Portuguese West África
  3. Portugueses à espera no Cuíto e Menongue
  4. Portugueses apostam em Cabo verde
  5. Portugueses culpam mais UNITA do que MPLA
  6. Portugueses dispersos pelo mundo [3]
  7. Portugueses do século XVI no Trachtenbuch de Christoph Weiditz
  8. Portugueses e Brasileiros
  9. Portugueses em África [2]
  10. Portugueses na Catalunha durante a realeza do Condestável D. Pedro
  11. Portugueses no Brasil, brasileiros em Portugal
  12. Portugueses no mundo [3]
  13. Portugueses para Moçambique
  14. Portugueses podem votar nas eleições sul-africanas
  15. Portugueses presos em Maputo
  16. Portuguezes na India [2]
  17. Português como língua estrangeira [2]
  18. Português I
  19. Português médico [3]
  20. Portuguese &amp; goan artists at Galeria José de Guimarães
  21. Portuguese África in persctive
  22. Portuguese Africa in perspective
  23. Portuguese cartography of Indian coasts during sixteenth century
  24. Portuguese colonial geographical tradition (1926-1974)
  25. Portuguese contemporary art
  26. Portuguese contributions to the ethnological and geographical Knowledge of África during the XVI Century [2]
  27. Portuguese culture in Brazil
  28. Portuguese discoveries and modern missionary apostolate
  29. Portuguese guinea planes downed
  30. Portuguese Guinea, what do you know about it?
  31. Portuguese humour
  32. Portuguese idiom free language in South Africa
  33. Portuguese in the Tamil coast [5]
  34. Portuguese India [11]
  35. Portuguese India in the mid-century
  36. Portuguese Macao's impact on the pearl River Delta during Ming and Ch'ing periods
  37. Portuguese pioneering
  38. Portuguese pioners in Southern Africa
  39. Portuguese place names in South África [2]
  40. Portuguese pockets in India
  41. Portuguese publishers and book market, 1997
  42. Portuguese relations with local kingdoms in Karmataka
  43. Portuguese religious influence in the Far-East
  44. Portuguese style and luso-african identity precolonial senegambia, sixteenth-nineteenth centuries
  45. Portuguese travels and the meeting of civilizations [3]
  46. Portuguese woman during the first two centuries of expansion overseas
  47. Portuguese-english dictionary [2]
  48. Portugueses de além-mar, filhos queridos da mãi-pátria
  49. Portugueses de oiro e de espadas largas [3]
  50. Portugueses e africanos nos Rios de Sena
  1. Portugueses e africanos nos rios de sena os prazos da coroa nos séculos XVII e XVIII Maria
  2. Portugueses e boers
  3. Portugueses e espanhóis em Macau e manila com os olhos na China [2]
  4. Portugueses e italianos na época das descobertas [2]
  5. Portugueses e Maratas. como se perdeu bacaim
  6. Portugueses e moçambicanos no apartheid [6]
  7. Portugueses na África du Sul
  8. Portugueses no além-mar e a imigração ao longo das décadas de 1950 e 1960 [2]
  9. Portugueses no extremo oriente
  10. Portugueses raptados em Cabinda
  11. Portuguêses, àlerta
  12. Portuguesismo do macaense
  13. Portuguesismos nas línguas bantu [2]
  14. Portuguezes no Brazil c. 1860-1910
  15. Português 1
  16. Português administrativo
  17. Português em Moçambique
  18. Português em Timor
  19. Portuguesa political prisoners
  20. Portuguese and brazilian architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries
  21. Portuguese and chinese voyages
  22. Portuguese biotechnology [2]
  23. Portuguese colonial administrators and inter-Asian maritime trade
  24. Portuguese colonial policy
  25. Portuguese colonization in the sixteenth century [5]
  26. Portuguese contribution to cultural anthropology [6]
  27. Portuguese cultural week
  28. Portuguese diplomatic relations with the South-West Indian States in the seventeenth century 1600-1663
  29. Portuguese discoveries dependencies and missions in Asia and Africa [6]
  30. Portuguese home cooking [2]
  31. Portuguese in South África, 1488-1600
  32. Portuguese in the deccan politics
  33. Portuguese in three months
  34. Portuguese influence on the konkai language
  35. Portuguese investiment in Moçambique
  36. Portuguese language courses
  37. Portuguese literature and language in their relation with the east
  38. Portuguese natural science and origins of the scientific revolution
  39. Portuguese participation in the slave trade
  40. Portuguese political prisoners [2]
  41. Portuguese priority in the discovery of the sources of the nile
  42. Portuguese relationships with Siam in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
  43. Portuguese roots in Africa
  44. Portuguese set tlement on the Zambesi
  45. Portuguese trade with India in the sixteenth century [4]
  46. Portuguese, brazilian, and african studies
  47. Portugueses de torna-viagem
  48. Portugueses East africa
  49. Portugueses em Ceilão
  50. Portugueses ilustres [4]

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