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- Fondation le Grande-Cachot-de-Vent
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- Fondazione Emanuelle Paterno [2]
- Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli [6]
- Fondo de Cultura Económica [29]
- Fondo de Cultura Económico
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- Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe [2]
- Fonds Africain de Developpement
- Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'Infance
- Fonds Monetaire International
- Fontainhas
- Fontana Books [3]
- Fontana Press [2]
- Fonte da Palavra [5]
- Fonte da Palavra, Lda. [2]
- Fontemoing & Cie., Editeurs
- Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Office Representative in India
- Food and Agriculture Organization [2]
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [3]
- Food and Feed Grains Institute
- Food Trade [4]
- Footprint Handbooks [2]
- For the Arts & Crafts
- Fora do Texto [2]
- Força Aérea [2]
- Força Aérea Portuguesa [2]
- Forças de Segurança de Macau
- Ford Foundation. Foreign Policy Association
- Fordham University [2]
- Fordham University Press [3]
- Foreign & Commonwealth Office London
- Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Foreign and International Cooperation
- Foreign Area Studies
- Foreign Language Press [6]
- Foreign Languages Press [63]
- Foreign Languages Press Beijing
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- FormAsia [3]
- Formosa [2]
- Fornecedores da Sociedade de Geografia
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- Fort Hare University Press [3]
- Fort Printing Press
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- Forte & Cª Editores
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- Forum Permanente Educação-Desenvolvimento [3]
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- Foundation Books [6]
- Foundation Books Pvt. Ltd.
- Foundation for a Sustainable Society
- Foundation for research in Community Health
- Foundation Kings of África
- Fountain Publishers [61]
- Four Square Books
- Fourth Dimension [3]
- Fourth Dimension Publishers [11]
- Fourth Dimension Publishing [40]
- Fourth Estate [4]
- FOVAD [2]
- Fowler Museum at UCLA [2]
- FPLN [5]
- FPLN-Portugal
- FPMD [3]
- Fr. Agnel College Publications
- Fr. Caspar
- Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa
- Fr. Juan del Sotillo
- Fr. Stanislaus Fernandes
- Fr.Agnel College Publications
- Fragmentos [3]
- Fragmentos : Fundação de Relaçoes Internacionais
- Fragozo Fernandes
- França & Armenio [13]
- França & Arménio Amado
- França & Arménio Editores
- França Amado [14]
- França Amado-Editor
- France Empire
- France-Asie [3]