- Department International Development
- Department of Archaeology
- Department of chemistry, Govt. college of arts, science & commerce
- Department of Cultural Affairs
- Department of Earth Sciences
- Department of Economics University of Gothenburg [2]
- Department of Entomology
- Department of Finance
- Department of Foreign Affairs [3]
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Department of Foreign Affairs] [28]
- Department of Health [12]
- Department of History of Religions
- Department of history of religions, University of Lund
- Department of history, Indiana University
- Department of Histroy, Pondicherry University and St. Thomas College Palai
- Department of Humanitarian Affairs
- Department of Information [5]
- Department of Information & Government of Goa
- Department Of Information & Publicity [13]
- Department of Information and Propaganda of the MPLA [2]
- Department of Information and Public Relations
- Department of Information and publicity [22]
- Department of Information and Publicity of Goa
- Department of Information and Tourism [4]
- Department of Information and Tourism for the Department of Social Welfare
- Department of Information e Publicity
- Department of Information Government of Goa, Daman and Diu
- Department of Information Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Department Of Information, Government of Goa, Daman and Diu
- Department of International Development
- Department of Linguistics, University of Bombay
- Department of mines
- Department of National Development
- Department of National Development Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics [2]
- Department of NRI Affairs
- Department of Overseas Trade [3]
- Department of Public Health [6]
- Department of Public Information United Nations [2]
- Department of Publication
- Department of Science, Technology & Environment of Goa [2]
- Department of Social Anthropology
- Department of State [2]
- Department of the Navy
- Department of Tourism [6]
- Depatment of Information and Public Relations
- Deplano Network
- Depois do Modernismo
- Depos. Editorial Missões
- Depos. Gomes & Rodrigues
- Depos. Livr. Ler
- Depos. Minerva Central
- Depositária [2]
- Depositário Livraria Moreira
- Depósito das Escrituras Sagradas [4]
- Depósito do Seminário de Braga
- Depósito Especial de Livros
- Depósito União Gráfica
- DEPS [13]
- Dept. of Archaeology, Govt. of Kerala [2]
- Dept. of Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Ceylon [4]
- Deptº de Educação de Adultos [2]
- Deptº de Informação da Associação Cabo-Verdiana
- Deputación Provincial da Coruña
- Deraniyagala Samarasinha Sriwardhana
- Derecção Geral de Floresta e Caça, Ministério do Desenvolvimento Rural e Pesca
- Derek O Brien
- Desafio das Letras
- Desclée [39]
- Desclée de Bouwer et Cie.
- Desclée de Brouwer [41]
- Desclèe de Brouwer & Cie
- Desclée de Brouwer et Cª
- Desclée de Brouwer et Cie Éditeurs
- Desclée de Brouwer et Cie.
- Desclée de Brower & Cie.
- Desclée et Cie
- Desclée, de Brouwer et Companie
- Descoberta do Mundo [2]
- Descobrimento [2]
- Design First
- Design Press [2]
- Desjonquères
- Desoer [4]
- Despertar [3]
- Destacamento de Cabo Verde da Brigada de Estudos de Aeródromos das Provincias Ultramarinas [3]
- Desteny Books
- D'Estienne Roger
- Destinada ao Brasil
- Destinadas ao Brasil
- Destinos [5]
- DeThoms
- Deutchen Forschungsgemeins [2]
- Deutsch Buch-Gemeinschaft
- Deutsche Afrika - Gesellschaft e V.
- Deutsche Afrika Gesellsehaft [2]
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur