- Costa Andrade [2]
- Costa Carregal [40]
- Costa do Estoril [4]
- Costoli Soluções Gráficas
- COSV [2]
- COTA [3]
- Cotonou Karthala [4]
- Cotovia [95]
- Cotovia ; Fundação Oriente
- Cotovia Fundação Oriente [2]
- Cottswold press
- Council for Culrural Planning and Development, Executive Yuan, ROC
- Council For Cultural Planning & Development, Executive Yuan
- Council for Cultural Planning and Development Executive Yuan
- Council for Cultural Planning and development Executive Yuan, ROC
- Council for Cultural Planning and Development, Executive Yuan
- Council for Cultural Planning and Development, Executive Yuan, POC [2]
- Council for Cultural Planning and Development, Exwcutive Yuan, ROC
- Council for Cultural Planning and Development, the Executive Yuan
- Council for geos cience: geological survey of south África
- Council for Health and Social Service [2]
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa [5]
- Council od Science & Industrial Research
- Council of Europe [13]
- Council of Europe. North-South Centre
- Council of the European Union
- Council of the Natal Museum
- Council on East Asian Studies
- Council on East Asian Studies ¤ Harvard University
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Country Life
- Courrier du Livre
- Cousens
- Coutinho, L. V.
- Couto Martins [8]
- CPCV [3]
- CPLP [14]
- Crabtree Publishing [2]
- Craft & Folk Art Museum
- Crafts Museum
- Crane Russak [2]
- CRC Press [4]
- Creaphis
- Creations de Presse
- Creative Books
- Crecor
- Crédito Predial Português
- CREDU-Karthala
- Creek AltaMira Press [2]
- Creoin-leblond
- Crepin - Leblond Imprimeur
- Crepin-Leblond
- Crescencia Educational Trust [2]
- Crescêncio Francisco Bragança Monteiro
- Crescêncio Francisco Monteiro
- CRESIB [2]
- Crest Book
- Crest Publishing House [2]
- CRIA - Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia [5]
- CRIDEV [2]
- Crisos [7]
- Crisp Publications, Inc. [2]
- Cristian Action
- Cristina
- Cristo a Caminho
- Cristóvão August Rodrigues
- Cristóväo Augusto Rodrigues [16]
- Cristóvão Costa Gonçalves
- Critério [2]
- Criterion Publications [2]
- Critique Publications [3]
- Crocodilo Azul [7]
- Croom Held [3]
- Croom Helm [10]
- Crosby Lockwood [2]
- Crosby Lockwood and Sons [2]
- Cross Institute [2]
- Cross Time Matrix
- Crouan and Roques [2]
- Crown [5]
- Crown Agents for Oversea Goverments and Administratives [3]
- Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations [4]
- Crown Publishers
- CRP-Centro Rodoviário Português