- Wissenchaftliche Buchgesellschaft [2]
- Wissenschaften [2]
- Wissenschafthiche buchgesellschaft
- Wissenschaftliche [2]
- Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft [2]
- Wissewschaftliche Buchgeselhschaft
- Wits University Press [28]
- Witters Workshop Bluebird Book
- Witwaters rand University
- Witwatersand University Press
- Witwatersranal University Press [2]
- Witwatersrand niversity Press
- Witwatersrand Univ.
- Witwatersrand Univ. Press.
- Witwatersrand University [2]
- Witwatersrand University Press [54]
- WLSA Moçambique [2]
- Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers
- Wo Kee Printing Co.
- Woeli Publishing Services [5]
- Wold Anti-Communist League, China Chapter
- Wolf Legal Publishers [2]
- Wolfe Medical Publications [3]
- Wolffgangus Rahter et Joannes Israel de Bry [2]
- Wolpram Eberha
- Wolters Kluwer Portugal [2]
- Women of China [3]
- Women Unlimited [2]
- Wonca [3]
- Woodbridge Fountain Publishers [2]
- Woodland
- Woodland Publishers [3]
- Woodrow Wilson Center Press [8]
- Word Ventures
- Wordsworth [3]
- Woreld Council of Churches [2]
- Working Group for International Cooperation in Skills Development
- World Anti- Communist League
- World Anti Communist League, China Chapter
- World Anti-Communist League
- World Anti-Communist League, China Chapter [90]
- World Anti-Communist League, China Chapter]
- World Anti-Communiste League, China Chapter
- World Apostolate of Fatima
- World Art and Culture Exchange Association
- World Bank [18]
- World Bank, World Food Programme
- World Book International [4]
- World Council of Churcher
- World Council of Churches [6]
- World Domini Press
- World Dominion Press [4]
- World Economic Forum
- World Health Organization [56]
- World Health Organiztion [2]
- World Health Organzation
- World House Bielefeld
- World Medical Association [3]
- World Meteorological Organization [2]
- World Monuments Fund
- World Peace Foundation
- World Peace foundation : Brookings institution Press
- World Press
- World Press Cartoon
- World Pub.
- World Publications
- World Resources Institute
- World Scientific [7]
- World Student Christian Federation
- World Today Press
- World Tourism Organization [7]
- World Ventures
- World Vision
- World Vision UK
- WPW Ingenieurs-Conseils
- Wright [2]
- Writers Workshop Publication [4]
- Wsdsworth
- Wu Gui Tang [32]
- Wu Mei Xiqu Lunwen Ji
- Wu Wen Chang Gong
- Wuhan Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu
- Wuling Chubanshe
- WUP-Witwatersrand University Press
- Würfel Verlag
- Wydzial Grafiki Akademii Sztuk Pieknych
- Wygieia [2]
- Wyvern-Sel