Catálogo - Índice de editores

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  1. International Centre for Ethnic Studies
  2. International Community [2]
  3. International Conference Group on Portugal [9]
  4. International Consulting Engineers and Planners [2]
  5. International Crisis Group [5]
  6. International Defence & Aid Fund [3]
  7. International Defence and Aid Fund
  8. International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa [4]
  9. International Defense & Aid Fund [2]
  10. International Defense and Aid Found for Southern Africa
  11. International Defense and air fund
  12. International Development Department
  13. International Development Research Centre [2]
  14. International Documentation Centre AB
  15. International Epidemiological Association, Savremena Administracija [2]
  16. International Eucharistic Congress Organization
  17. International Exhibitions Foundation [2]
  18. International Federation of Automatic Control ¤ Portuguese Society of Automatic Control ¤ Centre for Intelligent Systems
  19. International Federation of Journalists
  20. International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Association
  21. International Folk Music Council [2]
  22. International Food Policy Research Institute [3]
  23. International Foundation for Electoral Systes
  24. International Foundation for Science
  25. International Health Policy Program [3]
  26. International House of Japan
  27. International IDEA
  28. International IDEA - The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance [3]
  29. International Institute for Democarcy and Electoral Assistance
  30. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance [2]
  31. International Institute for Democracy Electoral Assistence
  32. International Institute for Labour Studies
  33. International Institute of African Languages & Cultures
  34. International Institute of Entomology [2]
  35. International Institute of Macau [3]
  36. International Institute Sociology Law
  37. International Labour Office [23]
  38. International Labour Office-STEP
  39. International Labour Organization [10]
  40. International Missionary Council
  41. International Monetary Fund [15]
  42. International Organization for Migration [8]
  43. International Platform of Jurists for East Timor
  44. International Printing Office
  45. International Publishers
  46. International Publishing Corporation
  47. International Publishing House
  48. International Rural Development Center
  49. International school of Dravidian Linguistics
  50. International Science and Technology Institute
  1. International Service for Human Rights
  2. International Social Service
  3. International Society for Educational Information
  4. International Student Edition
  5. International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease [3]
  6. International Union of Students [2]
  7. International University Exchange Fund [3]
  8. Internationale Situationniste
  9. Internationales
  10. Internationel Institute Sociology Law
  11. Internazionale
  12. Inter-Orthodox Dialogue
  13. Interpeace [3]
  14. Interprint [3]
  15. Interpropo
  16. Interscience [47]
  17. Intersentia [6]
  18. Intertermal [2]
  19. Intertext Books
  20. Inter-Varsity Press [2]
  21. Intervenção [28]
  22. Intitut Royal Colinial Belge
  23. Intituto de Investigação Agronómica de Moçambique [2]
  24. Intituto de Investigação científica Tropical
  25. Intituto Nacional de Investigação Agronómica: Departamento de Agronomia e Sistemas de Produção [2]
  26. Intituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Política Ultramarina
  27. Investigação Científica no Ultramar Português
  28. Investigação e Desenvolvimento
  29. Investimento, comércio e turismo de Portugal [2]
  30. Invicta
  31. Invicta Editora [2]
  32. Inwent
  33. INYS
  34. INZET Association
  35. INZET-Association
  36. Ioão de Barreira
  37. IPAD [80]
  38. IPAD-Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento [6]
  39. IPALMO [4]
  40. IPC Building and Contract Journais
  41. IPCB [11]
  42. IPEA [5]
  43. IPGH
  44. IPHAN]
  45. IPIM
  46. IPIMAR [10]
  47. iPlay
  48. IPLL
  49. IPOR [41]
  50. IPP. Serviços de Documentação e Publicações. Biblioteca Central

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