- International Centre for Ethnic Studies
- International Community [2]
- International Conference Group on Portugal [9]
- International Consulting Engineers and Planners [2]
- International Crisis Group [5]
- International Defence & Aid Fund [3]
- International Defence and Aid Fund
- International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa [4]
- International Defense & Aid Fund [2]
- International Defense and Aid Found for Southern Africa
- International Defense and air fund
- International Development Department
- International Development Research Centre [2]
- International Documentation Centre AB
- International Epidemiological Association, Savremena Administracija [2]
- International Eucharistic Congress Organization
- International Exhibitions Foundation [2]
- International Federation of Automatic Control ¤ Portuguese Society of Automatic Control ¤ Centre for Intelligent Systems
- International Federation of Journalists
- International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Association
- International Folk Music Council [2]
- International Food Policy Research Institute [3]
- International Foundation for Electoral Systes
- International Foundation for Science
- International Health Policy Program [3]
- International House of Japan
- International IDEA
- International IDEA - The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance [3]
- International Institute for Democarcy and Electoral Assistance
- International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance [2]
- International Institute for Democracy Electoral Assistence
- International Institute for Labour Studies
- International Institute of African Languages & Cultures
- International Institute of Entomology [2]
- International Institute of Macau [3]
- International Institute Sociology Law
- International Labour Office [23]
- International Labour Office-STEP
- International Labour Organization [10]
- International Missionary Council
- International Monetary Fund [15]
- International Organization for Migration [8]
- International Platform of Jurists for East Timor
- International Printing Office
- International Publishers
- International Publishing Corporation
- International Publishing House
- International Rural Development Center
- International school of Dravidian Linguistics
- International Science and Technology Institute
- International Service for Human Rights
- International Social Service
- International Society for Educational Information
- International Student Edition
- International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease [3]
- International Union of Students [2]
- International University Exchange Fund [3]
- Internationale Situationniste
- Internationales
- Internationel Institute Sociology Law
- Internazionale
- Inter-Orthodox Dialogue
- Interpeace [3]
- Interprint [3]
- Interpropo
- Interscience [47]
- Intersentia [6]
- Intertermal [2]
- Intertext Books
- Inter-Varsity Press [2]
- Intervenção [28]
- Intitut Royal Colinial Belge
- Intituto de Investigação Agronómica de Moçambique [2]
- Intituto de Investigação científica Tropical
- Intituto Nacional de Investigação Agronómica: Departamento de Agronomia e Sistemas de Produção [2]
- Intituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Política Ultramarina
- Investigação Científica no Ultramar Português
- Investigação e Desenvolvimento
- Investimento, comércio e turismo de Portugal [2]
- Invicta
- Invicta Editora [2]
- Inwent
- INZET Association
- INZET-Association
- Ioão de Barreira
- IPAD [80]
- IPAD-Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento [6]
- IPALMO [4]
- IPC Building and Contract Journais
- IPCB [11]
- IPEA [5]
- IPIMAR [10]
- iPlay
- IPOR [41]
- IPP. Serviços de Documentação e Publicações. Biblioteca Central