- Earthscan [13]
- Earthscan Publications [8]
- Earthscan publications ltd
- Earthscan Publications, Ltd
- Earthworm Books
- Eartscan Publications
- East African Educational Publishers [31]
- East African Institute of Social Research
- East African Literature Bureau [4]
- East African Publishing House [39]
- East African Standard
- East and West
- East Asian Research Press ¤ Harvard University Press
- East Indian Railway
- East Institute of Social Research
- East lansing HSRC Press
- East Nusa Tenggara [2]
- East Pakistan Assembly House [2]
- East Timor Human Rights Centre [2]
- East West Books Pvt. Ltd. [2]
- Eastern Áfrican Company
- Eastern Book Linkers [4]
- Eastern Books Linkers [2]
- Eastern India Services & Marketing Co. Ltd
- Eastern Law House [3]
- Eastwest Books
- EastWest Books Pvt Ltd
- East-West Press
- East-West Publications Fonds B. V.
- Ébano
- Ebenezer Press [3]
- Eborauto [2]
- Eborauto]
- Ebury Press
- ecção de Obras Públicas e Comunicações
- ECCO-Editora Casa das Crianças de Olinda
- Éccole Française d'Extrême-Orient [2]
- ECDPM [14]
- ECDPM. European Centre for Development Policy Management
- Echigo-Tsumari
- EchoPublishing Company
- Echos de Revolução
- Eco do Funchal [4]
- Ecobanken
- Ecoforum Publication [2]
- Ecole d'Avignon
- École de Médecine Tropicale [2]
- École de Médecine Tropicale de Bruxelles [2]
- École des hautes études en sciences sociales [32]
- École Francaise d´Extréme-Orient
- École Française de Rome [3]
- École Française d'Extrême-Orient
- École Française d'Extrême-Orient
- École Nationale du Genie Rural des Eaux et Forets
- Ecole nationale du genie rural, des eaux et forets
- École Pratique des Hautes Études [3]
- École Spéciale des Travaux Publics [4]
- École Supérieure de Commerce de Rennes
- Economia e Socialismo
- Economic and Political Weekly [2]
- Economic and Scientific Research Foundation
- Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- Economic Cooperation Bureau [7]
- Economic Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Economic Development Institute of the World Bank [2]
- Economic Geography
- Economic Information and Agency [2]
- Economic Printing Press [3]
- Economic Services
- Economica [18]
- Economist
- Economist Intelligence Unit
- Economist Steam Press
- ECRI [2]
- Ecumenical Christian Centre
- Ed. 70 [39]
- ed. A
- ed. a. [4]
- Éd. A. Pedone [2]
- Ed. Abril [3]
- Ed. Afrontamento [6]
- Ed. Albert Morancé
- Ed. Albin Michel [7]
- Ed. Alem-Mar
- Ed. Anthropos [2]
- Ed. Antonito [2]
- Ed. Apesar de Tudo
- Ed. Arcádia
- Ed. Armasilde [3]
- Ed. At.
- Ed. Atica [3]
- Ed. Atlas
- ed. aut. [3]