- Sciences Sociales et Developpement, Sophia-Antipolis, 1984
- Scientific Council for Africa South of the Sahara, co-autor
- Scientific Council for África South of the Sahara, Lourenço Marques, 1958
- Scindia, Shri Madhavrao
- Sciortino, Alberto [2]
- Scipion, Philippe [6]
- Sclater, J. G.
- Scliar, Carlos [2]
- Scliar, Moacir
- Scliar, Moacyr [6]
- Scobell, Andrew [2]
- Scocuglia, Afonso Celso [2]
- Scofano, Anna Cherubina
- SCOLMA. Standing Conference on Library Materials on Africa
- Scoones, Ian [5]
- Scorsi, Rosália de Ângelo
- SCORZA, José Vicente [3]
- Scott & Bowne
- Scott, A. C. [5]
- Scott, Ana Silva Volpi
- Scott, Ana Sílvia Volpi
- Scott, Benjamin
- Scott, Catherine V. [2]
- SCOTT, Cecil W. [3]
- Scott, Chris [2]
- Scott, Cynthia D.
- Scott, David
- Scott, Frederick
- SCOTT, H. Harold [2]
- Scott, Hall
- Scott, Ian [2]
- Scott, J. D.
- Scott, Joan Wallach
- Scott, John A.
- SCOTT, M. R. D. [3]
- Scott, Mansfield
- Scott, Marion M.
- Scott, Michael [4]
- Scott, Michaell
- Scott, Nelia
- Scott, Parry [4]
- Scott, Patrick
- Scott, R. Parry
- Scott, Rebecca J.
- Scott, Rév. M.
- Scott, Robert Haney
- Scott, Rosemary [6]
- Scott, Rosemary E. [3]
- Scott, Sally
- Scott, Victoria
- Scott, Walter [7]
- Scott, Wolf
- Scotti, Pietro
- Scott-Macnab, David
- Scotton, Carol M. M.
- Scottsville. Centre for Civil Society
- SCRAGG, R. R. [2]
- Scramim, Susana
- Screech, Swinton Timon [2]
- Screech, Timon [6]
- Scritori, Vitória [73]
- Scroggie, Helen
- Scroggie, Helene
- Scroggins, Deborah
- SCUDDER, G. G. E. [2]
- Scudder, Thayer
- Scudder,Thayer
- Scudeller, Gustavo [2]
- SCÜLEN [2]
- Scully, Nora
- Scully, Pamela [6]
- Scully, Pat
- Scully, R. T.
- Scurhammen, Georg
- Scussel, Marcos André
- Scwarz, Carlos
- Se, Kwok
- Seabara, Luiz de
- Seabba, Luiz de [2]
- Seabra
- SEABRA Luiz de
- Seabra, A.
- Seabra, A. F de [2]
- Seabra, A. F.
- SEABRA, A. F. de [3]
- Seabra, A. V. de [2]
- SEABRA, Amanda de [2]
- Seabra, Amando de [6]
- Seabra, André Silva
- Seabra, Antera P.
- Seabra, Antera V. de [6]
- Seabra, Antera Valeriana de [6]
- Seabra, Antero [3]
- Seabra, Antero de [7]
- Seabra, Antero Francisco de Salles Pedroso de
- SEABRA, Anthero [2]
- Seabra, António [2]
- Seabra, Armando de [2]
- Seabra, C. J. C. M. Lobo de