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  1. Economia. As comissões técnicas de planeamento e integração económica do Ultramar
  2. Economic aspects of british rule in India
  3. Economic change and political development in China
  4. Economic conditions in Southern India
  5. Economic contraction and foreign policy in the periphery
  6. Economic cooperation in Africa
  7. Economic crimes in mainland China
  8. Economic crisis and changes in employment relations in Japan and Korea
  9. Economic crisis in India
  10. Economic crisis, domestic politics and welfare state changes
  11. Economic development in SubSaharan Africa proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of the International Economic Association, Tunis
  12. Economic development in Tibet under the people's Republic of China
  13. Economic development plan for Guinea
  14. Economic expansion, marketization, and their social impact on China's ethnic minorities in Xinjiang and Tibet
  15. Economic geography of Asia
  16. Economic growth and the ending of the transatlantic slave trade
  17. Economic growth in the Asia Pacific region
  18. Economic history of India
  19. Economic integration in Central Asia
  20. Economic integration in southern África
  21. Economic management of administered agricultural pricing and payment systems in Africa
  22. Economic organisation of Indian villages
  23. Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) [2]
  24. Economic Reforms in Ghana
  25. Economic reforms in Ghana the miracle and the mirage [2]
  26. Economic restructuring in South África [3]
  27. Economic statistics of India since independence
  28. Economics and security in the Asia-Pacific region
  29. Economics of British India [2]
  30. Economics, history, and the origins of Vietnam's post-war economic success [2]
  31. Economics, lobbying, and U.S. congressional support for Taiwan [2]
  32. Economics, politics and social change in the benue basin, c.1300-1700
  33. Économie de la société féodale rwandaise
  34. Economie de traite et bluff colonial
  35. Économie et politique du développement
  36. Économie et sociologie du Tiers-Monde
  37. Économie politique de l'esclavage [2]
  38. Economie politique de l'unité africaine [2]
  39. Economista português apresenta estudo sobre estratégia de desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde
  40. Economistas e culturas econômicas no Brasil e na Argentina
  41. Economizar
  42. Economia & negócios [4]
  43. Economia africana [3]
  44. Economia angolana em 1969 [7]
  45. Economia brasileira [3]
  46. Economia brasileira na encruzilhada
  47. Economia da saúde [3]
  48. Economia de Angola [26]
  49. Economia de Angola no primeiro semestre de 1973 [11]
  50. Economia de Luanda e Maputo
  1. Economia de Macau continua em expansão
  2. Economia de S. Tomé e Príncipe
  3. Economia de subsistência [3]
  4. Economia de transição e concórdia nacional
  5. Economia de um império [2]
  6. Economia do Cacau em S. Tomé e Príncipe [Texto policopiado]
  7. Economia do mercado global
  8. Economia do sistema comunitário enquanto a mercadoria e a moeda não existem
  9. Economia doméstica [2]
  10. Economia dos óleos de Palma e Coconote
  11. Economia e finanças [21]
  12. Economia e finanças de Angola
  13. Economia e finanças de Portugal e da India durante o domínio Espanhol
  14. Economia e sua revelação [3]
  15. Economia guineense
  16. Economia guineense por dentro (2)
  17. Economia guineense por dentro (3)
  18. Economia guineense por dentro (4)
  19. Economia para el desarrollo [2]
  20. Economia política de jornalismo e possibilidades
  21. Economia política, poética
  22. Economia turística [2]
  23. Economia Ultramarina [8]
  24. Economia, mercados e relações externas
  25. Economic achievements of the colonizers
  26. Economic analysis of industrial policy
  27. Economic and commercial geography [2]
  28. Economic and financial survey of Angola [2]
  29. Economic and industrial life and relations
  30. Economic armature and moral cohesion
  31. Economic aspects of agricultural development in Moçambique and portuguese India
  32. Economic aspects of political movements in Nigeria and in the gold coast 1918-1939
  33. Economic boycott against South Africa
  34. Economic conditions in the Congo and some of the factors underlying them
  35. Economic crisis in Africa
  36. Economic dependence and the development of industry in Zambia
  37. Economic dependence of sawantwadi on Goa
  38. Economic development and nigerian foreign policy
  39. Economic development for África south of the Sahara [2]
  40. Economic development in SubSaharan Africa
  41. Economic development under the high Commission in South África
  42. Economic development, cities and planning the case of Bombay
  43. Economic development, financial depending and central backing in small developing economies
  44. Economic feasibility study of the construction of Porto Sobrale Dam
  45. Economic geography of India [3]
  46. Economic globalization and IT Talent flows across the taiwan strait
  47. Economic history
  48. Economic history of India under the British
  49. Economic humanism in the Overseas Provinces [2]
  50. Economic integration in África [3]

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