Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 10 | 74 ms
[362056]  Show Record 

Women and sexuality in China dominant discourses of female sexuality and gender since 1949 / Harriet Evans. - Cambridge : Polity Press, . - 270 p.
Descritores: Sociologia | Mulher | Sexualidade | China
Cota: S.154 EVA*Wom|ISCTE
[425165]  Show Record 

Women and sexuality in China : dominant discourses of female sexuality and gender since 1949 / Harriet Evans. - Cambridge : Polity Press, . - 270 p.
Descritores: Sociologia do género | Mulher | Sexualidade | Comportamento sexual | Comunismo | China
Cota: S.154 EVA*Wom|ISCTE
[319552]  Show Record 

Women and policy and institutional change in rural China : introduction / Sally Sargeson
Descritores: China | Mulher | Desenvolvimento rural
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[319568]  Show Record 

Introduction to colloquium on women and policy and institutional change in rural China / Sally Sargeson
Descritores: Mulher | China
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[369328]  Show Record 
Women and land in Africa culture, religion and realizing women's rights / ed. L. Muthoni Wanyeki. - Cape Town : London Zed Books, . - XV, 384 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Direito | Mulheres | África
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Wom,3|ISCTE
[369569]  Show Record 
Women and land in Africa culture, religion and realizing women's rights / ed. L. Muthoni Wanyeki. - Cape Town : London Zed Books, . - XV, 384 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Direito | Mulheres | África
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Wom,3|ISCTE
[362559]  Show Record 

Nightwork sexuality, pleasure, and corporate masculinity in a Tokyo hostess club / Anne Allison. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, . - XIII, 213 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Sexualidade | Japão
Cota: A.142.4 ALL*Nig|ISCTE
[319553]  Show Record 

Approaches to women and development in rural China / Tamara Jacka
Descritores: China | Mulher | Desenvolvimento rural
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[324875]  Show Record 

The admonitions scroll and didactic images of women in early China / Julia K. Murray
Descritores: Artes | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353101]  Show Record 

The admonitions scroll and didactic images of women in early China / Julia K. Murray
Descritores: Artes | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
