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Registos: 37 | 85 ms
[324645]  Show Record 

John Ellerton Lodge First Director of the Freer Gallery of Art / Thomas Lawton
Descritores: Museologia | História | Estados Unidos
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[352871]  Show Record 

John Ellerton Lodge First Director of the Freer Gallery of Art / Thomas Lawton
Descritores: Museologia | História | Estados Unidos
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[415993]  Show Record 

Rediscovering the Chinese Textile Collection in the Freer Gallery of Art / Daisy Yiyou Wang
In: Arts of Asia. - Nº 2 (Mar./Abr. 2013), p. 133-145
Descritores: Tapete | Artes | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[426883]  Show Record 

Rediscovering the Chinese Textile Collection in the Freer Gallery of Art / Daisy Yiyou Wang
In: Arts of Asia. - Nº 2 (Mar./Abr. 2013), p. 133-145
Descritores: Tapete | Artes | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[324459]  Show Record 

The freer Gallery of Art / Milo C. Beach
Descritores: Museologia | Estados Unidos
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[324461]  Show Record 

A Hongshan Jade pendant in the Freer Gallery of Art / Jenny F. So
Descritores: Artes | Estados Unidos
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[345619]  Show Record 
The Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. / introd. John A. Pope ; selection and notes Josephine H. Knapp, Esin Atil. - Tokyo : Kodansha International, . - 181 p.
Descritores: Cerâmica | Museu | Asia
Cota: 738(5)/ORI|FO
[349251]  Show Record 
The Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. / introduction John A. Pope ; selection and notes Josephine H. Knapp, Esin Atil. - Tokyo : Kodansha International, . - 181 p.
Descritores: Cerâmica | Museu | Asia
Cota: 738(5)/ORI|FO
[352686]  Show Record 

The freer Gallery of Art / Milo C. Beach
Descritores: Museologia | Estados Unidos
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[352688]  Show Record 

A Hongshan Jade pendant in the Freer Gallery of Art / Jenny F. So
Descritores: Artes | Estados Unidos
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[324928]  Show Record 

Chinese buddhist sculpture in a new light at the Freer Gallery Art / Jan Stuart e Chang Qing
Descritores: Artes | Escultura
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353154]  Show Record 

Chinese buddhist sculpture in a new light at the Freer Gallery Art / Jan Stuart e Chang Qing
Descritores: Artes | Escultura
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[324449]  Show Record 

An imaginary exhibition of chinese paintings from the Freer Gallery / Richard M. Barnhart
Descritores: Museologia | Pintura | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[324814]  Show Record 

Chinese porcelain in the collection of the Art Gallery of New South Wales / Julian Thompson
Descritores: Porcelana | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[352676]  Show Record 

An imaginary exhibition of chinese paintings from the Freer Gallery / Richard M. Barnhart
Descritores: Museologia | Pintura | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353040]  Show Record 

Chinese porcelain in the collection of the Art Gallery of New South Wales / Julian Thompson
Descritores: Porcelana | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[324730]  Show Record 

The new galleries for asian art at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts / Robert D. Jacobsen
Descritores: Artes
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[324734]  Show Record 

New galleries of japanese and korean art at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts / Matthew Welch
Descritores: Artes
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[325190]  Show Record 

Appreciating masterpieces of Korean Art at the National Museum of Korea's New Galleries / Lee Kwi Young ; trad. Eunjung Cho
Descritores: Coreia | Museu
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[325191]  Show Record 

The Asian Art Galleries at the National Museum of Korea / Seunghye Sun
Descritores: Coreia | Artes | Asia
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[352956]  Show Record 

The new galleries for asian art at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts / Robert D. Jacobsen
Descritores: Artes
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[352960]  Show Record 

New galleries of japanese and korean art at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts / Matthew Welch
Descritores: Artes
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353416]  Show Record 

Appreciating masterpieces of Korean Art at the National Museum of Korea's New Galleries / Lee Kwi Young ; trad. Eunjung Cho
Descritores: Coreia | Museu
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353417]  Show Record 

The Asian Art Galleries at the National Museum of Korea / Seunghye Sun
Descritores: Coreia | Artes | Asia
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[372271]  Show Record 

C. T. Loo and the Chinese art collection at the freer, 1915-1951 / Daisy Yiyou Wang
In: Arts of Asia. - V. 41, nº 5 (Set./Out. 2011), pp. 104-116
Descritores: Artes | Estados Unidos | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[324803]  Show Record 

Modern Chinese paintings in the Art Gallery of New South Wales : the Shanghai School and its impact / Edmund Capon
Descritores: Artes | Pintura | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[324811]  Show Record 

Asian collections in the Art Gallery of New South Wales / Edmund Capon
Descritores: Museologia
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[324932]  Show Record 
Refurbished Galleries Reopen at the Hong Kong Museum of Art
Descritores: Museologia | Hong Kong
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353029]  Show Record 

Modern Chinese paintings in the Art Gallery of New South Wales : the Shanghai School and its impact / Edmund Capon
Descritores: Artes | Pintura | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353037]  Show Record 

Asian collections in the Art Gallery of New South Wales / Edmund Capon
Descritores: Museologia
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353158]  Show Record 
Refurbished Galleries Reopen at the Hong Kong Museum of Art
Descritores: Museologia | Hong Kong
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[370190]  Show Record 

The new Galleries of Chinese Art / Shelagh Vainker
In: Arts of Asia. - V. 41, nº 3 (Maio/Jun. 2011), pp. 102-113
Descritores: Museu | Arte | Ásia | Reino Unido
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[338128]  Show Record 

Selections from the Southeast Asian art collection of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art / Robert L. Brown
In: Arts of Asia. - V. 38, nº 3 (Maio/Jun. 2008), pp. 75-87
Descritores: Artes | Sudeste Asiático
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[282872]  Show Record 

The Himalayas and the tibetan buddhist world art gallery / Terese Tse Bartholomew
Descritores: Artes | Escultura | Têxteis | Metal | Mobiliário | Pintura | Ásia Central
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
[372270]  Show Record 

Chinese art now at the freer and sackler / J. Keith Wilson
In: Arts of Asia. - V. 41, nº 5 (Set./Out. 2011), pp. 100-103
Descritores: Artes | Estados Unidos | China
Cota: PP015/AA|FO
