Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 02 | 117 ms
[336112]  Show Record 

The February 1953 massacre in São Tomé : crack in the salazarist image of multiracial harmony and impetus for nationalist demands for independence / Gerhard Seibert
In: Portuguese studies review. - V. 10, nº 2 (winter 2002-03), pp. 52-80
Descritores: História | Nacionalismo | Portugal
Cota: PP009/PS|FO
[2458]  Show Record 

Massacre de Sao Tome = The massacre of contract workers on Sao Tome / Agostinho Neto. - Africa Series. 55)
In: A horse of white clouds : poems from lusophone Africa / org. Don Burness. - Ohio : Ohio University, 1989. - p. 33-35
Descritores: Literatura | Angola
