Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 15 | 91 ms
[276083]  Show Record 
Social change and health in Tanzania / ed. Kris H. Heggenhougen and Joe L. P. Lugalla. - Dar es Salaam : Dar es Salaam University Press, . - XXVIII, 339 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Sociologia da saúde | Saúde pública | Saúde mental | Educação para a saúde | SIDA | Tanzânia | África Oriental
Cota: EA.AOR 1 Soc,1|ISCTE
[390404]  Show Record 
Economic change social welfare and health in Europe / edited by Lowell S. Levin. - Copenhagen : WHO, . - XII, 131 p. ; 23 cm. - Regional publications : european series. 54)
Descritores: Segurança Social | Saúde Pública | Economia | Europa | Dinamarca
CDU: 614(4)
Cota: M-17/2|IHMT
[451404]  Show Record 
Economic change social welfare and health in Europe / edited by Lowell S. Levin. - Copenhagen : WHO, . - XII, 131 p. ; 23 cm. - Regional publications : european series. 54)
Descritores: Segurança social | Saúde pública | Economia | Europa | Dinamarca
CDU: 614(4)
Cota: M-17/2|IHMT
[202600]  Show Record 

Famine and social change during the trasition to colonial rule in northeastern Tanzania : 1880-1886 / James Jiblin
In: Áfrican Economic History. - nº 15 (1986), p. 85-105
Descritores: África | Tanzânia | Independência nacional
Cota: PP105|AHM
[301734]  Show Record 

Determinants of social structure and social change in India and other papers / K. C. Panchanadikar, J. Panchanadikar. - Bombay : Popular Prakashan, . - XV, 241 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Estrutura social | Mudança social | India
Cota: S/cota|Margão Municipal Library
[306073]  Show Record 

Determinants of social structure and social change in India and other papers / K.C. Panchanadikar. - Mumbai : G. R. Bhatkal, . - XV, 241 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Estrutura social | Teologia | Sociedade rural | Sociologia | Cultura | India
Cota: S/cota|Margão Municipal Library
[213066]  Show Record 

Agricultural development and population change in the context of the settlement patterns in Tanzania / W. F. I. Mlay
In: UTAFITI. - Vol. 6, nº 1 (1984), p. 23-33
Descritores: África | Tanzânia | Sector agrícola | Desenvolvimento económico
Cota: PP980|AHM
[380973]  Show Record 

Task shifting of major surgery to midlevel providers of health care in Mozambique and Tanzania : a solution to the crisis in human resources to enhance maternal and neonatal survival / Caetano Pereira. - Stockholm : Karolinska Institutet, . - 87, 508-512, 1253-1259, 1530-1533, 1-9, 1-21, 876-885 p. ; 24 cm. - Thesis for Doctoral degree PHD.
Descritores: Cuidados de saúde | Profissionais de saúde | Recursos humanos | Tese | Moçambique | Tanzania
CDU: 614.39:616-051
Cota: 01 RH|IHMT
[403132]  Show Record 

Task shifting of major surgery to midlevel providers of health care in Mozambique and Tanzania : a solution to the crisis in human resources to enhance maternal and neonatal survival / Caetano Pereira. - Stockholm : Karolinska Institutet, . - Pag. var. ; 24 cm. - Thesis for Doctoral degree PHD.
Descritores: Cuidados de saúde | Profissionais de saúde | Recursos humanos | Tese | Moçambique | Tanzania
CDU: 614.39:616-051
Cota: 01 RH|IHMT
[405944]  Show Record 

Task shifting of major surgery to midlevel providers of health care in Mozambique and Tanzania : a solution to the crisis in human resources to enhance maternal and neonatal survival / Caetano Pereira. - Stockholm : Karolinska Institutet, . - Pag. var. ; 24 cm. - Thesis for Doctoral degree PHD.
Descritores: Cuidados de saúde | Profissionais de saúde | Recursos humanos | Tese | Moçambique | Tanzania
CDU: 614.39:616-051
Cota: 01 RH|IHMT
[145338]  Show Record 

Social change and social problems in contemporary África / St. Clair Drake
In: The United States and África / ed. Walter Goldschimdt. - Nova York : Frederick A. Praeger Publisher, 1963. - p.222-272
Descritores: África lusófona | Diferença cultural | Mudança social | Sociedade
Cota: 30159|BIBEx
[220705]  Show Record 

Coffee and prosperity in Buganda some aspects of economic and social change / W. Senteza Kajubi
In: <The >Uganda Journal. - Vol. 29, nº 2 (1965), p. 135-147
Descritores: África | Uganda | Sector agrícola | Café
Cota: PP473|AHM
[259100]  Show Record 
A bibliography on education in development and social change in sub-Saharan Africa / ed. and compil. Mark A. Grey. - Lewiston ; Queenston ; Lampeter : The Edwin Mellen Press, . - 143 p. ; 22 cm. - Studies in african education. 1)
Descritores: Bibliografia | Educação | África subsaariana
Cota: EA.00 Bib|ISCTE
[369359]  Show Record 
Manoeuvring in an environment of uncertainty structural change and social action in sub-saharan Africa / ed. Boel Berner, Per Trulsson. - Burlington : Aldershot Ashgate, . - XI, 309 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Condições sociais | África
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Man|ISCTE
[369600]  Show Record 
Manoeuvring in an environment of uncertainty structural change and social action in sub-saharan Africa / ed. Boel Berner, Per Trulsson. - Burlington : Aldershot Ashgate, . - XI, 309 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Condições sociais | África
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Man|ISCTE
