Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 09 | 74 ms
[72696]  Show Record 

Rice Marketing in Guinea-Bissau : A study to Develop Information for Policy Makers / John Dale Zach Lea and Alcala Barbosa. - Manhattan, Kansas : KSU, . - 108 p. : il., quad. ; 30 cm. - Contract 624-0015-c-0-00-1075-00
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Mercado | Arroz | Marketing
Cota: 339.13:633.1(665.7)|BP|INEP
[72742]  Show Record 

Rice prodution and marketing in Guinea-Bissau : a contribution for policy dialougue / J. D. Lea, Cornelius Hugo Carlos Rui Ribeiro. - USA; Bissau : Agency for international Development, Food and Feed Grains Institute; Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa, . - 157 p. : Fig., mapas, quadros ; 28 cm
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Arroz | Politica comercial | Comercialização
Cota: 381+338:633.18(665.7), BP|INEP
[13565]  Show Record 

Applied policy analysis of the rice marketing subsector of Guinea-Bissau / John Dale Zach Lea
In: Documentatieblad / Afrika-Studiecentrum. - Leiden : Afrika-Studiecentrum. Vol. 24, nº 4 (1993), p. 91
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Economia
Cota: s/cota|UCDA
[69810]  Show Record 

A Primer for Implementing a Successful Food Policy Program the Case of Rice in Guinea-Bissau / Cornelius Hugo and J.D.Lea. - Manhattan : USAID, . - 39 p. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Produção agrícola | Cereal | Arroz
Cota: 633.1(665.7)|BP|INEP
[69782]  Show Record 
Evaluation of the rice Production Accelerated impact Project Guinea-Bissau / USAID. - Bissau : USAID, . - [15], 33 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Cultura de cereais | Arroz
Cota: 633.1(665.7)|BP|INEP
[69797]  Show Record 

Annual Report on Project Status Guinea-Bissau Rice Production Project / Gary A. Walker. - Washington : Aurora Associates, . - 17 p. +anexos ; 28 cm
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Produção agrícola | Cereal
Cota: 633.1(665.7)|BP|INEP
[72063]  Show Record 
Guinea Bissau rice production (657-0009) : project paper supplement. - [s.l.] ; [s.n], . - 25 p. : quad. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Arroz | Produção agrícola
Cota: 633.1(665.7)|BP|INEP
[72114]  Show Record 

Evaluation of the rice production acelerated impact project Guinea-Bissau / James O'D Maher. - Bissau : USAID, . - pag. var. : quad., map. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Arroz | Produção agrícola
Cota: 338.43(665.7)|BP|INEP
[72708]  Show Record 

Guinéa-Bissau Rice Production Project : Final Report / Linda D. Smith. - Washington : USAID, . - pag. var. : quad. ; 30 cm. - Project Nº 657 - 0009
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau | Arroz | Cereal | Produção agrícola
Cota: 633.1(665.7)|BP|INEP
