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Registos: 02 | 129 ms
[48199]  Show Record 

First use of shipform in tall building in Mozambique / J.B. Martins. - Lourenço Marques : Laboratório de Engenharia de Moçambique, . - 8 p. : il.. - Sep. de 3rd South Áfrican Buildings Congress City Hall - Durban 13/17 May / 74, Theme: Inovatio and trends en building"
Descritores: Moçambique | Obras de engenharia civil
Cota: s/cota|LNEC
[49888]  Show Record 

First use of slipform in tall buildings in Mozambique / J. B. Martins. - Lourenço Marques : Laboratório de Engenharia Cívil, . - 8 p. : il.. - sep. de 23rd South Áfrican Buildings Congress City Hall - Durban 13/17 May/74, them : inovation and trends in building"
Descritores: Moçambique | obras de engenharia cívil
Cota: 75764 624.057|LNEC
