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[382248]  Show Record 

A pátria = Native land / Olavo Bilac
In: Poets of Brazil : a bilingual selection = Poetas do Brasil : uma seleção bilíngüe / trad., introd. e notas Frederick G. Williams. - New York : Luso-Brazilian Books, 2004. - p. 200-201
Descritores: Brasil | Literatura
Cota: 8-(2)-20-32-9|BGUC
[229544]  Show Record 

South Áfrican native land policy / Edith B. Jones
In: Bantu Studies. - Vol. Deel XIV, nº 2 (1940), p. 175-198
Descritores: África do Sul | Polícia
Cota: PP462|AHM
[386130]  Show Record 
What the native land husbandry act means to the rural african and to Southern Rhodesia : a five year plan that will revolutioniza african agriculture. - Salisbury : Government of Southern Rhodesia, . - VI, 34 p.
Descritores: Colonialismo | Vida familiar | Casamento | Meio rural | Rodésia
CDU: 338.63
Cota: N-7|IHMT
[411995]  Show Record 
What the native land husbandry act means to the rural african and to Southern Rhodesia : a five year plan that will revolutioniza african agriculture. - Salisbury : Government of Southern Rhodesia, . - VI, 34 p.
Descritores: Colonialismo | Vida familiar | Casamento | Meio rural | Rodésia
CDU: 338.63
Cota: N-7|IHMT
