Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 31 | 138 ms
[115394]  Show Record 

A new account of the East-Indies : being the observations and remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton from the year 1688-1723 / Capt. Alexander Hamilton. - Reprint. - New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, . - 2 v. : il. ; 19 cm
Descritores: Viagem | Oriente | Cabo da Boa Esperança | Ilha de Japão
Cota: GA2029|CLP Goa
[244595]  Show Record 

A new account of the East-Indies / Alexander Hamilton. - 2.ª ed.. - London : Bettersworth and C. Hitch, . - 2 v. : il. ; 19 cm. - Viagem e descoberta feita pelo mar, feitas "com esperança", segundo o autor Alexander Hamilton.
Descritores: Viagem | Índia
Cota: S/cota|Susana Sardo
[297283]  Show Record 
A new account of the east-indies being the observations and remarks of Alexander Hamilton from the years 1688 to 1723. - Nova Delhi : J. Jetley, . - v. : mapas ; 19 cm
Descritores: Viagem | Navegação Marítima | Comércio | India
Cota: S/cota|Research & Reference Library Goenkaranchem Daiz
[298961]  Show Record 

A new account of the East-Indies being the observations and remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton from the year 1688-1723 : trading and travelling, by sea and land, to most of the countries and islands of commerce and navigation, between the Cape of Good-Hope and the island of Japan / Alexander Hamilton. - New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, . - 2 v. : il. ; 19 cm
Descritores: Viagem | Asia | Comércio | Africa
Cota: G7609|CLP Goa
[329298]  Show Record 

A new account of the East-Indies being in the observations and remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton from the year 1688-1723. - 2ª ed. - Nova Delhi : J. Jetley, . - XXIX, IX, 396 p. : il. pb, mapas ; 19 cm
Descritores: Viagem | Navegação | Japão | Comércio | Damão | Goa | História
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[329288]  Show Record 

Voyage to Goa and back, 1583-1592 with his account of the east Indies / Jan Huyghen Van Linschoten. - Nova Delhi : J. Jetley, . - XXIV, 126 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Viagem | Lisboa | Portugal | Goa | História
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[139076]  Show Record 

The mith of the Indies and the discovery of the New World / Thomas Goldstein. - Coimbra : Junta de Investigações Científicas do Ultramar, . - [3] p., p. 428-443 : il. ; 30 cm. - Publicações do Centro de Estudos de Cartografia Antiga. 140). - Sep. Rev. Univ. Coimbra, 28
Descritores: India | Cartografia
Cota: P.P. 11371 V.|BN ¤ H.G. 33466 V.|BN|396554
[284008]  Show Record 

The mith of the Indies and the discovery of the New World / Thomas Goldstein
Descritores: Descobrimentos | India
Cota: PP190/CE|FO
[301248]  Show Record 

An introduction to the history of the law of nations in the east indies : 16th 17th and 18th centuries / C. H. Alexandrowicz. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, . - 259 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: História | Civilização | Índia
CDU: 94(540) | 008
Cota: CEHU-2039|IICT
[278673]  Show Record 
The oriental navigator or new directions for sailing to and from the east indies. - [London] : Robert Laurie and James Whittle, . - 655 p. ; 50 cm
Descritores: Navegação | Orientação astronomica | Oriente
CDU: 910.4(091)
Cota: CEHU-341|IICT
[115392]  Show Record 

A new account of East India and Persia being nine years' travels : 1672-1681 / John Fryer. - Reprint. - New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, . - 3 v. : il. ; 23 cm + 3 mapas
Descritores: Viagem | Oriente | India
Cota: GA941|CLP Goa
[329248]  Show Record 

A new account of east India and Persia being nine years' travels : 1672-1681 / John Fryer ; introd. William Crooke. - Nova Delhi : J.Jetley, . - 3 v. : il. pb, figuras ; 22 cm
Descritores: Viagem | Diú | Índia | Usos e costumes
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[245050]  Show Record 

Voyage to the East Indies, containing an account of the manners, customs etc of the natives, with a geographical description of the country / Paolino de San Bartolomeo ; notes and ill. John Reinhold Forster ; tr. William Johnston. - London : J. Davis, . - XII,478 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Viagem | Bartolomeo, Paolino de San | Etnologia | Geografia | India
Cota: P279|CLP Goa
[115397]  Show Record 

The voyage of John Huygen Van Linschoten to the East Indies / Jan Huygen Van Linschoten. - Reprint. - New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, . - 2 v. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Viagem | Oriente | India
Cota: GA701|CLP Goa
[244593]  Show Record 

The voyage of John Huyghen Van Linschoten to the east indies. / P.A. Tiele, Arthur Coke Burnell. - London : Harkluyt Society, . - 2 v. : il. ; 22 cm. - Obra relativa à viagem de John Huyghen Van Linschoten à Índia.
Descritores: Viagem | Índia
Cota: S/cota|Susana Sardo
[298863]  Show Record 
The voyage of John Huyghen Van Linschoten to the East Indies / ed. lit. Arthur Coke Burnell. - New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, . - 307 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Viagem | India
Cota: G9188|CLP Goa
[299085]  Show Record 
The voyage of John Huyghen Van to the East Indies / ed. Arthur Coke Burnell. - New Delhi : Asian Educational Services, . - 2 v. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Viagem | Etnologia | História | Flora | Goa | Timor | India
Cota: G-9189|CLP Goa ¤ G-9191|CLP Goa
[307285]  Show Record 
The voyage of John Huyghen Van Linschoten to the east indies. - Nova Delhi : J. Jetley, . - 2 v. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Viagem | India
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[309858]  Show Record 

The Patriarchate of the East Indies / Venancio L. Fonseca. - Bombaim : Heras Institute of Indian History and Culture, . - 250 p. : il. pb & color ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Religião | Cristianismo | India
Cota: S/cota|Shri Mahalaxmi Prasadik Hindu Vachan Mandir Library
[316247]  Show Record 

The Patriarchate of the East Indies / Venancio L. Fonseca. - Bombaím : Heras Institute of Indian History and Culture, . - 250 p. : il. pb & color ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Religião | Cristianismo | India
Cota: S/cota|Óscar de Noronha
[329258]  Show Record 

The voyage of John Huyghen Van Linschoten to the east indies / P.A. Tiele. - Nova Delhi : J. Jetley, . - XV, 341 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Viagem | Usos e costumes | Comércio | Índia
Cota: S/cota|Directorate of Archives and Archaelogy
[386727]  Show Record 

The intermediary hosts of malaria in the Netherlands East Indies / by Frank H. Taylor, R. E. Murray. - Sydney : The School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, . - 100 p. : il.. - Service publication School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. 5)
Descritores: Malaria | Hospedeiros | Parasitas | Parasitologia | Índias Orientais Holandesas
CDU: 576.895.771
Cota: R-3|IHMT
[425918]  Show Record 

The intermediary hosts of malaria in the Netherlands East Indies / by Frank H. Taylor, [co-aut.] R. E. Murray. - Sydney : The School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, . - 100 p. : il.. - Service publication School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. 5). - Existem 2 exemplares.
Descritores: Malaria | Hospedeiros | Parasitas | Parasitologia | Índia
Cota: R-3|IHMT
[260697]  Show Record 

Mauriz Thoman's account of the imprisonment of the jesuits of the province of Goa / Malyn Newitt. - Documenta historica)
In: Metahistória : história questionando história : homenagem ao prof. doutor Teotónio R. de Souza = Metahistory : history questioning history : festschrisft in honour of Teotónio R. de Souza / coord. Charles J. Borges, S. J. & M. N. Pearson. - Lisboa : Vega, 2007. - p. 459-470
Descritores: India | Portugal | História | Missões religiosas
Cota: 9-(1)-4-36-12|BGUC
[17091]  Show Record 

An account of the discoberies of the portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique / T. E. Bowdich. - London : Printed for Hohn Booth, . - 1 vol. ¤ 1 vol. : mapas. - Ex. com manchas. - Encadernação danificada
Descritores: Angola | Fauna | Flora | Viagem | Guerra de resistência | Usos e costumes | Etnologia | Cultura regional | Moçambique
Cota: D-1464|UCDA
[147440]  Show Record 

An account of the discoveries of the portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique / T. E. Bowdich. - New York : AMS Press, . - 186 p.
Descritores: Angola | Viagem | Descobrimentos | Moçambique
Cota: L-26-25|BCM
[235121]  Show Record 

An account of the discoberies of the portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique / T. E. Bowdich. - London : [s.n.], . - 186 p.
Descritores: Descobrimentos | Angola | Moçambique | Portugal
Cota: ULT-1013|BNU
[321350]  Show Record 

The tempest within, an account of East Pakistan / Dom Moraes. - Delhi : Vikas Publications, . - 103 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Ciência política | Eleição | India | Paquistão
Cota: 19921|CLP Goa
[321374]  Show Record 

The tempest within, an account of East Pakistan / Dom Moraes. - Delhi : Vikas Publications, . - 103 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Ciência política | Eleição | India | Paquistão
Cota: 19471|CLP Goa
[381404]  Show Record 

The causes of the depopulation of the western islands of the territory of New Guinea / by R. W. Cilento ; dir. Department of Public Health Territory of New Guinea. - Canberra : Department of Public Health, . - 82 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Saúde pública | População | Despovoamento
CDU: 614.1
Cota: C-3|IHMT
[409117]  Show Record 

The causes of the depopulation of the western islands of the territory of New Guinea / by R. W. Cilento ; [dir.] Department of Public Health Territory of New Guinea. - Canberra : Department of Public Health, . - 82 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Saúde pública | População | Despovoamento
CDU: 614.1
Cota: C-3|IHMT
