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[115628]  Show Record 

European merchant capital and the Indian economy : a historical reconstruction based on Surat factory records (1630-1668) / Ruby Maloni. - New Delhi : Manohar Publications, . - 463 p. : mapas ; 23 cm. - Contém bibliografia
Descritores: História | História marítima | Comércio | Estado da India | Gujarat | Surat | India
Cota: GA2056|CLP Goa
[115620]  Show Record 

Indian merchants and the decline of Surat c.1700-1750 / Ashin Das Gupta. - Reprint. - New Delhi : Manohar Publishers & Distributors, . - x, 305 p. : mapas ; 25 cm
Descritores: História | Comércio | Mongões | Armamento | Gujarata | Surat | India
Cota: GA2038|CLP Goa
