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[271081]  Show Record 

Palaeolatitudes of the Timor Sea area in relation to depositional environments / R. Blanc, S. Guyonnet, R. Laws
In: <25th International Geological Congress, Sydney, 16th-24th August, 1976> / sponsored by The Australian Academy of Science, The Geological Society of Australia, The International Union of Geological Sciences. - Canberra : [s.n.], 1976. - Vol. 1: Abstracts: section 1: <Precambrian geology>, p. 264-265
Descritores: Sedimentação marinha | Ambiente deposicional | Paleomagnetismo | Tectónica de placas | Mar de Timor
Cota: 7-163|LNEG
[271057]  Show Record 

Timor through and Australia : facies show topographic wave migrated 80 Km during the past 3 m.y. / J. J. Veevers, D. A. Falvey, S. Robins. - Referências bibliográficas
In: <Tectonophysics : International Journal of Geotectonics and the Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth>. - ISSN 0040-1951. - Vol. 45, nº 2/3 (February 15, 1978), p. 217-227
Descritores: Fácies | Ambiente deposicional | Tectónica | Batimetria | Sismicidade | Timor
Cota: E229-P1/2|LNEG
