Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 05 | 02 ms
[276967]  Show Record 
An investigation into factors that contribute to the stagnation and decline of micro and small enterprises in selected manufacturing sectors in Zambia / research team Kalobwe C. Chansa, Windu C. Matoka, Innocent Melu. - Lusaka : Ministry of Finance and National Planning, . - XV, 87 p. ; 30 cm. - ZAMSIF-PMA. 20)
Descritores: Pequena empresa | Microcrédito | Política económica | Relatório | Zãmbia | África Meridional
Cota: EA.AAU 2 Inv|ISCTE
[415491]  Show Record 
An investigation into factors that contribute to the stagnation and decline of micro and small enterprises in selected manufacturing sectors in Zambia / research team Kalobwe C. Chansa, Windu C. Matoka, Innocent Melu. - Lusaka : Ministry of Finance and National Planning, . - XV, 87 p.
Descritores: Micro-crédito | Pequena empresa | Política económica | África
Cota: EA.AAU 2 Inv|ISCTE
[418638]  Show Record 
An investigation into factors that contribute to the stagnation and decline of micro and small enterprises in selected manufacturing sectors in Zambia / research team Kalobwe C. Chansa, Windu C. Matoka, Innocent Melu. - Lusaka : Ministry of Finance and National Planning, . - XV, 87 p.
Descritores: Pequena empresa | Micro-crédito | Política económica | África
Cota: EA.AAU 2 Inv|ISCTE
[466066]  Show Record 
An investigation into factors that contribute to the stagnation and decline of micro and small enterprises in selected manufacturing sectors in Zambia / research team Kalobwe C. Chansa, Windu C. Matoka, Innocent Melu. - Lusaka : Ministry of Finance and National Planning, . - XV, 87 p.
Descritores: Pequena empresa | Micro-crédito | Política económica | África
Cota: EA.AAU 2 Inv|ISCTE
[466203]  Show Record 
An investigation into factors that contribute to the stagnation and decline of micro and small enterprises in selected manufacturing sectors in Zambia / research team Kalobwe C. Chansa, Windu C. Matoka, Innocent Melu. - Lusaka : Ministry of Finance and National Planning, . - XV, 87 p.
Descritores: Pequena empresa | Micro-crédito | Política económica | África
Cota: EA.AAU 2 Inv|ISCTE
