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[266763]  Show Record 

The Nandi of Kenya : tribal control in a pastoral society / G. W. B. Huntingford. - London : Routledge, , 2004. - XV, 169 p. ; 22 cm. - Routledge library editions. : Anthropology and ethnography. 10)
Descritores: Sociedades pastoris | Sistema social | Controlo social | Nandi | Quénia | África Oriental
[337856]  Show Record 
Some records of Ethiopia : 1593-1646 / trad. e ed. C. F. Beckingham, G. W. B. Huntingford. - Nendeln : Kraus Reprint Limited, (Germany : Lessingdruckerei Wiesbaden. - XCVIII, 267 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - The Hackluyt Society : Series II. 107)
Descritores: Etiópia | História
Cota: 6-29-9|BGUC
[337871]  Show Record 

The prester John of the Indies : a true relation of the lands of the prester John being the narrative of the portuguese embassy to Ethiopia in 1520 / Francisco Alvares ; trad. Lord Stanley of Aderley ; rev. e ed. C. F. Beckingham, G. W. B. Huntingford. - Nendeln : Kraus Reprint, . - 2 vol. : il. ; 23 cm. - The Hakluyt Society : Series II. 114 e 115)
Descritores: Etiópia | Índia | Portugal | África | Viagem | História
Cota: 6-5-1|BGUC
[337876]  Show Record 

The prester John of the Indies : a true relation of the lands of the prester John being the narrative of the portuguese embassy to Ethiopia in 1520 / Francisco Alvares ; rev. e ed. C. F. Beckingham, G. W. B. Huntingford. - Cambridge : University Press, . - 2 vol. : il. ; 23 cm. - The Hakluyt Society : Second series. 114 e 115)
Descritores: Etiópia | Viagem
Cota: 5-21-46-70 e 70 A|BGUC
