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[345961]  Show Record 

The other view, sources on the Portuguese in the Mumbai Archives : 1630-1961 / Amol Shripad Divkar. - Lisbon : [s.n.], . - 4 v.
Descritores: Arquivo | Portugal | India
Cota: 313-BOL|FO
[349593]  Show Record 

The other view, sources on the Portuguese in the Mumbai Archives : 1630-1961 / Amol Shripad Divkar. - Lisbon : [s.n.], . - 4 v.
Descritores: Arquivo | India
Cota: 313-BOL|FO
[359782]  Show Record 

Index of sources of Portuguese history from The Archives of Maharashtra State, 1500-1900 / based on the historical researches of Amol Shripad Divkar ; under the guidance of Dr. Paulo Varela Gomes. - Panjim : [s.n.], . - Pag. var.
Descritores: História | India
Cota: BOL 361|FO
